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Ebook: Y TraethodyddISВN: 1990001531747
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Authоr: Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church
Formаts: pdf, ebook, android, ipad, epub, audio, text
Dаtе аddеd: 19.09.2012
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru - National.
Yr arloeswr: Cylchgrawn llenyddol Cymraeg oedd Yr Arloeswr a ymddangosai bob chwarter. Roedd yn cynnwys storïau byrion, cerddi ac adolygiadau llyfrau.
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Aberystwyth Grammar School Magazine: [Aberystwyth Grammar School]. 1891-1898. Aberystwyth Young Men's Magazine: Aberystwyth Young Men's Christian Ass., Aberystwyth
Welsh Journals Online provides free access to scholarship from Wales. Back-numbers of up to 50 titles are available here, ranging from academic and scientific
Welsh Journals Online - Home
Magazines: This is a list of some of the magazines and periodicals which are available through the Book Council’s Distribution Centre. A full list, and details of
"Fy mhlant, gadewch inni garu, nid ar air nac ar dafod, ond mewn gweithred a gwirionedd." (I Ioan 3:18)
The Blue Books of 1847 . View Part 1: Carmarthen, Glamorgan and Pembroke; View Part 2: Brecknock, Cardigan, Radnor and Monmouth; View Part 3: North Wales, comprising
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru - National.
Y Traethodydd
Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru - HafanYr arloeswr: Yr Arloeswr ["the pioneer"] was a Welsh-language quarterly literary magazine, with short stories, poems, and book reviews. It sometimes included artwork.